3 Good Reasons To Upgrade Your Roof Anchor System In 2020

We know how important curb appeal is to any business owner, especially if clients visit your premises on a regular basis. But, equally important is what goes on behind the scenes — keeping your roof in great condition and how safe your workers are when performing this task.

How much do you and your employees know about roof safety? Do you comply with all the rules and regulations put in place by OSHA? Below are three excellent reasons to invest in a new roof anchor system this year.

You’ve Never Done an Upgrade

You moved into your premises a few years ago and to be honest, you don’t even know if there’s a roof safety system installed let alone if it’s in working condition. Did you know that you are putting the lives of anyone who have to work on your roof — whether they’re cleaning it or doing repairs — at risk?

Your Safety System Doesn’t Comply with Regulations

Your roof anchor system is there but it’s old and probably doesn’t adhere to OSHA regulations. But, you’re hoping nothing serious happens and that the regulators don’t do an unexpected inspection. Better to not leave things to chance, upgrade your system asap.

You Want to Ensure the Safety of Your Workers

You realise that the safety of your employees is much more important than saving a few rands that will come back to bite you in the behind anyway.


Speaking of costs, a quality roof anchor system doesn’t have to break the bank. Not if you use African Anchor Systems to manage your installation. But, don’t think for one second we use cheap products because that simply isn’t true.


As the sole distributor for SafetyLink products in South Africa, we take great pride in offering world-class quality fall prevention products to all our clients. Don’t wait any longer. Get in touch with the team to book a free consultation right now!